Getting the Win~ Find Out How Downsizing Can Help You!

Do you have those days when you clean out the closet that’s been getting cramped or make your care so clean, it looks brand new? That feeling of accomplishment carries with you and you feel like the day was a complete win! Thats the same with downsizing.

Over the years we “collect” things, both intentionally and unintentionally, and it accumulates quickly. Before you know it, you have that space in the basement or garage that you don’t quite remember what is in there, but it builds year over year.

Downsizing is about addressing those spaces and things in your home you no longer use, but they linger around and can often times create stress in our lives. You’ll say to yourself, “I really need to get to that,” but don’t. That leaves you feeling defeated and unaccomplished.

Let’s do better!

There is help with home organizers and cleaning companies that will help you tackle those projects. Whether it’s a small space or your entire home, it’s time to put that behind you. As a Senior Living Advisor, we can connect you with a variety of resources to best help take the stress of you. posted this great tip list, 10 Helpful Tips For Downsizing For Seniors

1. Start Small

Seniors might already have a mental list of things they’re ready to part with in the kitchen and garage. But instead of starting with large spaces like these, seniors should work up from smaller rooms, preferably ones with minimal emotional connection.

Similarly, older adults should be realistic about their needs. For instance, only two sheet sets are necessary if the new place only has one bedroom. Remember that large areas such as the basement, garage, and attic are the most challenging rooms to downsize. If seniors try to take these rooms on first, they might overwhelm themselves and stop before they get ahead.

2. Set a Realistic Timeframe

Downsizing for seniors can be a long, intensive process, so seniors should ensure themselves plenty of time by starting early. Most experts recommend a month since it allows older adults to take their time and avoid rushing. In addition, seniors should go through each room individually and allow frequent breaks.

You only realize how many belongings you have once you start sorting through them!

3. Get Rid Of Rooms You Won't Have

Typically, when seniors move to a smaller home, it won’t have a garage, large yard, or other extra spaces. That means getting rid of almost everything in the garage, backyard shed, or home office.

4. Eliminate Duplicate Items

Downsizing is the time to eliminate those extra cooking utensils, pots, pans, and specialized cooking tools. For example, if your loved one only uses certain items, like a roasting pan, during the holidays or special occasions, offer them to another relative. That way, the relative can lend it back as needed.

5. Say "No" To "Maybe"

When downsizing for seniors, divide belongings into a “keep” and “get rid of” pile. Don’t create a category for “maybe” items because it will only make it harder to make a firm decision. Bring frequently used items and get rid of ones that have been forgotten or unused for more than a year.

6. Find A New Way To Display Collections

One of the hardest parts of downsizing for seniors is deciding what to do with collectibles. When moving into a smaller home, it’s best to leave these things behind since they will take up valuable space or stay in storage.

So rather than holding onto these items, older adults should select their favorites and take high-quality pictures of everything else. Then, they can put these pictures in a photo album or scrapbook and keep them on display for everyone to enjoy.

7. Gift Heirlooms

Similarly, these collectibles and antiques might be items seniors intend to pass on to loved ones. Rather than waiting to distribute these items in a will, consider giving them away earlier. Not only will getting rid of these belongings make it easier to downsize, but seniors can also appreciate when their loved ones receive them.

8. Sell Items

Online marketplaces like Craigslist, Facebook, and eBay are a great way to downsize for seniors and make some supplemental income. However, this can be a time-intensive endeavor, so consider that before moving forward. For those who feel they need help with using these sites, ask the grandkids for assistance. Alternatively, seniors could sell their things the old-fashioned way during a yard sale or hire an estate sale company.

9. Allow Time For Reminiscing

Another reason seniors should give themselves plenty of time to downsize is, so they have time to remember the past. It’s okay to feel nostalgic as you sort and clean. Cry if needed, or work on a different space and return when ready. As long as reminiscing doesn’t stop seniors from downsizing, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t stop themselves from doing so.

10. Make Downsizing For Seniors A Family Affair

Older adults should ask their children and grandkids to join them because it gives them a chance to share memories and reminisce with others. Telling the stories behind treasured heirlooms provides more context and makes them appreciate the items even more. Family members can also help with other aspects of downsizing, such as packing and moving boxes and selling things online.

Jonie Sturek

Helping seniors with all aspects of senior living option.

Making a Move with Confidence